Our Story


    Are you passionate about change? Inspiring others? or Passing it Forward?

    Do you want to be that small trikl in someone else’s life that makes a huge ocean of change? 


    trikl was inspired by the notion that we can all affect change one trikl at a time. 

    Whether supporting an International Cause, a National campaign, a Charity, a local artist, a little league team, a new business, 

    or an individual, our desire is to see a community that inspires change in others’ lives.


    trikl provides a fundraising platform for you to start your very own fundraising campaign or support others around you by

    selecting which fundraisers or charities you would like to support!  


    trikl and change yours and others lives around you! 

    Get started today! 



  Get started.

    Visit Get Started to create your very own fundraiser. 

    Or, visit the Categories tab, and select how you can trikl into the lives of others. 

    Pick and choose who and what fundraisers you would like to support. 

    Follow their success as they reach their goals!  

    Be an ocean of change in someone’s life! 

    trikl it forward


   Explore the Campaigns


   Are you ready to start your very own fundraiser? Support a charity?


   Or, do you want to be part of a trikl that brings an ocean of change to

   someone else by passing it forward?   


   Either way . . . we’ve got you covered!   Explore all Campaigns now or 
   Start your very own!  

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